第8回HIAS Brown Bag セミナー(René Belderbos(KU Leuven/ HIAS特任教授))を開催します
HIASブラウンバッグセミナーは、一橋大学社会科学高等研究院(HIAS)主催によるHIAS研究者、教員、学生の交流を全学的に促進することを目的とした新しいセミナーシリーズです。どなたでもご参加可能で、まだ席に余裕がございますので、奮って皆様のご参加をお待ちしております。The HIAS Brown Bag Seminar is a new seminar series organized by the Hitotsubashi Institute for Advanced Study (HIAS) to promote university-wide interaction between HIAS researchers, faculty, and students. Anyone is welcome to attend. We look forward to your participation!
【HIAS Brown Bag Seminar #8】
Title: “Cross-border Organizational Strategies for Knowledge Appropriation of Codified and Complex Technologies”
Speaker: René Belderbos (KU Leuven/ HIAS Specially Appointed Professor)
Date:26 September (Thursday) 12:40 AM – 1 :40PM (Presentation + Chat over lunch)
Venue: Room 205, Annex.(*) Kunitachi Campus, Hitotsubashi University]
Language: English
Registration: https://forms.gle/bpnEEDVhxUDw4mcn8
※Registration is due 25 September (Wed) 1PM